Why Meditation Is A Key Ingredient to Achievement

Do you want to release anxiety and create a still mind? Would you like the ability to be present with whatever the present moment throws your way? Would you like to be calm, focused, and content? And most importantly, are you willing to do what it takes to have this…?

If you answered yes, then meditation needs to become as habitual as brushing your teeth.


I hear many clients say they want to stop worrying, release self-sabotage patterns, start a business that fulfills them and create financial freedom, shed five pounds and keep it off, be the person they want to be in relationship with so they can attract that person.


Whatever you want to accomplish is on the other side of your comfort zone and happens in a still mind.


I give all my clients homework to begin a meditation practice if they don’t already. Why? Mediation is the bicep curl that strengthens your mind to be present. And being present allows us the SPACE to step outside our comfort zone.


When we are present we have the awareness to catch ourselves in self-sabotage and course correct. When we are present we are NOT in story (i.e. “I don’t know how” or “What if I fail?) and we just do the next right thing to start that business.


When we are present we remember why we want to keep that weight off and we choose to make exercise, eating healthy, and deep sleep a priority.


When we are present we commit to the practices that realign us with our best selves and attract that romantic partnership by being the person we know we can be.


Almost every client I have ever had, at some point says, I have so much resistance to meditate. (or whatever practice it is that is going to help them accomplish their goal). The trauma release modality I do, clears baggage out and the majority of resistance.


However, there is always going some resistance to doing what is good for us. Because we are a soul having a human experience and part of that experience is to learn and grow. How do we learn and grow? We push through that resistance. Courage is not the absence of fear, but being afraid and doing it anyway…


When I am resisting something that is good for me, I know that what I am resisting is EXACTLY what I need to do shift me back into gear.


This is why meditation is a key ingredient in achieving whatever your goal is. Meditation trains the mind to return to the breath and thus, back to the present. When we are in the present moment, those unsupportive stories we tell ourselves cannot get in. It is the stories that we tell ourselves that either hold us back or propel us into the reality that we desire and deserve.


We are taught that everything we desire is outside of us. This is a lie. Everything you desire, is already within you. But stillness and silence are the only keys that can unlock this wisdom within. And meditation takes you there…


Meditation is not about having no thoughts. It’s about noticing when you go into thought and with compassion gently escorting your mind back to your breath. There are times I sit down and think, did I even fucking meditate? Because I had wrangle my mind back to my breath the entire time. There are other times, that my mind surrenders and I experience clarity and bliss.

Either way, I meditate, because it keeps me grounded, present, and it creates more willpower so that I can accomplish the things I desire and deserve…and you can too!

Barrett Freibert